Mine Closure Conference
Enpoint is an environmental consultancy highly specialised in resolving contaminated land issues.
They are differentiated by their expertise in taking clients from unknown liability to operational certainty. They do this by mediating a clear balance between the environment, data, regulations and client businesses. They deliver practical solutions for owners of contamination liability who need the liability removed and want to protect their bottom line.
Enpoint are the first choice in Western Australia for resolving contaminated land issues because they achieve a balance between cost and conservation. They bring to life what is hidden in the ground as well as what is obscured in the scientific, financial and legal information. They do this by presenting powerful visual modelling and rationales that lead to resolution between all stakeholders.
Mine Closure Context:
For operators of mine sites in Western Australia, early incorporation of elements of the Contaminated Sites Act 2003 (CS Act) is critical to cost effective and time efficient mine closure. Where contamination is identified, the site is required to be reported for classification under the CS Act. Classifications are transitionary and based on the progression of assessment and/or remediation. The site assessment and remediation process for contamination is typically completed in a staged approach, which can take several years on complex or large sites. In addition, progression through the site classification process can be uncertain and often requires significant stakeholder engagement. Understanding and incorporating the contamination assessment and remediation process into closure planning is paramount in meeting closure timeframes.
As defined under the CS Act, mine sites will be considered contaminated where a substance is present in or on that land, water or site at above background concentrations that presents, or has the potential to present, a risk of harm to human health, the environment or any environmental value. However, mine sites in WA are often located in mineral rich areas where elevated concentrations of naturally occurring metals exist in soil and groundwater. Often, these concentrations are greater than the default trigger values adopted by DWER for assessment of contamination under the CS Act and also for monitoring purposes under their Environmental Protection Act Licence, which cause false positives during compliance monitoring and in the assessment and remediation process. To avoid these false positives and to aid in the assessment, monitoring and mine closure processes, Enpoint have extensive experience and a proven track record of deriving the following criteria, for which the methodologies have been widely accepted by third party Auditors and DWER:
- Ambient background concentrations (ABCs) for metals in soil, groundwater and leachate
- Assessment levels based on site-specific parameters such as the following:
- Sources (i.e. TSF supernatant)
- Exposure pathways (i.e. inhalation, absorption, ingestion, etc.)
- Receptors (i.e. site workers, flora, fauna likely to frequent the site)
Once ABCs at a mine site are well understood and appropriate site-specific assessment levels have been derived, contamination assessments and remediation become much more meaningful and mine closure endpoints achievable.
Enpoint offer the following assessment and remediation services relevant to the mining industry:
Contaminated Site Assessment
- Soil, sediment and surface water assessments
- Hydrogeological assessments
- 3D groundwater modelling
- TSF seepage assessments
- Data management and visualisation
- Statistical analysis
- Preliminary and definitive ecological risk assessment
- Qualitative and quantitative human health risk assessment
- Development of conceptual site models
- Remedial Option and Feasibility Assessment
- Remedial Action Plans
- Pilot Trials
- Remediation Implementation, which include:
- Soil excavation and bioremediation
- Active in-situ soil remediation
- Active and passive in-situ groundwater remediation
- Statistical Analysis
- Post Remediation Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessment
- Post Remediation Conceptual Site Models
Following completion of appropriate assessment and remediation, Enpoint also develop Site Management Plans (SMPs) incorporating the above and in consideration of ongoing operations being conducted at a mine site to allow closure at cessation of mining activities with minimal spend post closure.
Find us at Mine Closure Conference
Come see us at Stand 17!
Located at the main conference room, our stand is #17 towards the left at the back of the room. Stop by and meet our experienced Environmental Scientists at Mine Closure Conference.
Jeff Shivak and Matt Jones have over 35 year experience combined in site investigation, risk assessment, implementing & managing contamination investigations and remediation projects.

Interested in hearing more about our Mining Services?
Our Experienced team will be able to show you our case studies in detail, find out why Enpoint will assist you with a refined and accurate Mine Closure solution.
Mine Closure Focus Areas
Ambient Background Concentrations (ABCs)

Compliance Groundwater Monitoring

Derivation of Risk-Based Criteria